Monday, December 1, 2014

INDULGENCE, the new direction....

It occurred to me this evening that I might want to shift the editorial direction of this blog toward indulgence. At the same time, I rediscovered that I have a Twitter account --- @7SeasSF. Completely forgot about the thing for over a year. Clearly, I hadn't really used it much... That fits in with the indulgence idea which...

...will be taken up, largely, by food, booze, music and whatever else makes sense to me. (Sex is unlikely to be involved, seeing as how my kink blog has languished terribly due to lack of, say, sufficient priorities to justify the cup runnething over into the written word. Succintly: I don't give enough shit about kink as a topic just now.) Travel would be nice but that's been cut back due to better business decisions. (Read: I'm not working for the nut job anymore. That's a different posting...)

SO.... this occurred to me during a bout of Cyrus Noble. There ya have it.

This may actually go somewhere.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Dan Hoyle's "The Real Americans" is in its Off-Broadway run now at  The Culture Project in NYC. I designed sound for this one.

That makes my third design Off-Broadway (fourth design altogether in NYC), two sound for Hoyle,  one light for Brian Copeland. (The fourth was sound for a weirdass national tour project I won't go into just now.)

The relevant urls:

Dan Hoyle
The Culture Project
Berkeley Repertory Theatre

Friday, March 14, 2014

suspension (again)

Yes, it really has been that long, but you haven't been checking in here anyway, have you?